business consulting leading leaders seattle

The COVID-19 pandemic brought change to our daily lives practically overnight. One of the most profound changes was how we had to work during a health crisis. Most people whose jobs were in an office space found themselves working from home, implementing video conference calls, and messaging channels.

Working together as a team is hard enough without a collaboration space, let alone amidst a pandemic. Luckily, with technology on our side, inspiring creativity and encouraging collaboration while working from home is possible. Here are four practical ways to keep your business operating smoothly while also nurturing employee relationships during this pandemic:

Building Connections and Relationships

Building and maintaining positive relationships in the workplace is key to success. When employees have a good relationship with their coworkers and employers, their productivity can increase as a result of an uplifted mood. People want to feel connected on not just a work level, but a personal one too. If you provide a positive working environment while working from home, your employees will be much happier and you’ll probably have a better retention rate.

Supporting Wellness

A pivotal part of employee satisfaction is offering them a good work-life balance. These unusual times during the pandemic can be especially difficult for people to deal with, so offering flexible hours and encouraging your employees as they complete their tasks can make a huge difference in overall wellness.

Creating a Space for Innovation and Creativity

Creative brainstorming sessions are often done in person. However, for everyone’s safety, creative strategy, and innovation in the workplace need to take place at home for the time being. Thankfully, setting up video calls for employees to collaborate is still a great way to encourage creative collaboration.

Offering Fun Remote Group Activities and Games 

The workplace has changed dramatically due to the pandemic. The circumstances have led employers and managers to get creative when it comes to adding some fun to everyone’s day to day work lives. Some excellent ways to bring fun back to the remote workplace is with online Pictionary, office trivia, photo sharing, or just asking some icebreaker questions to get the conversations going.

Our team at Accelerated Results 365 has been providing effective team building consulting for all types of businesses in the Greater Seattle area. During this time of uncertainty, it is our goal to ensure that your business’ transition to remote work is smooth, effective, and fun. We can help you with solutions to increase productivity for your teams, no matter the circumstances.

To schedule a business consultation, give us a call at 206-422-4450, email us at, or fill out the form at the bottom of our homepage. We look forward to helping your business reach its ultimate potential.

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